Thursday, October 21, 2010

And so it begins...

Let me begin by saying, I would not be blogging unless my dear friend Mary set up this blog and made me face my blogging I won't say thank you yet Mur (because who knows,  I might be an absolutely horrid blogger), but this is a pseudo thank you to you! And now to blog.

The name of my blog is Sans Fromage. Why?  Because I hate, really hate it.  I don't like going to Central Market because they have a huge cheese section right by the entrance..WHAT?!? That is like torture to smells so bad..I mean really people?? But that's another story.  The story is, I'm weird about food...yet somehow I have discovered a surprising talent for cooking. As a wee thing I ate pasta, rice and cream, and that's about it, oh wait...let's not forget, large quantities of plain iceberg lettuce.  Yet somehow, a few years ago I decided that I would start experimenting in the kitchen.  I love cooking...and I like to think that I'm pretty awesome at it.  So my blog will be about my adventures in the kitchen...please, join me on my journey if you so desire.  (As we continue on this journey, I am sure more of my food weirdness will be exposed)

My goal is to post what I cook; though you must forgive me...I do not measure at all, so most of the time I will say something like "Add _____ until you think it looks/tastes right"  or "Pour some _______ over it until it looks kind of like this (some sort of picture of some concoction)"  Hopefully I will eventually learn how to measure or how to standardized what I'm saying so it will be easier to understand.

Thus ends my intro.  Hope you enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. LAINEEEEE!!! I'm so excited! You will thank me. I can't wait to try your first recipe!!
